Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Ile wody powinniśmy pić w ciągu doby?

Woda jest niezbędna do życia. Stanowi około 60% masy ciała dorosłego człowieka i odgrywa kluczową rolę w niemal wszystkich funkcjach organizmu, takich jak regulacja temperatury ciała, transport składników odżywczych, usuwanie toksyn oraz nawilżanie tkanek. Mimo to, pytanie, ile wody powinniśmy pić dziennie, nie ma jednoznacznej odpowiedzi, ponieważ zależy to od wielu czynników takich jak wiek, waga, płeć, aktywność fizyczna, zawód, a także warunki środowiskowe.

Ogólne zalecenia

Wspólne zalecenia dotyczące spożycia wody dla dorosłych sugerują, że kobiety powinny pić około 2,7 litra wody dziennie, a mężczyźni około 3,7 litra. Warto jednak zaznaczyć, że te liczby obejmują całkowite spożycie wody, zarówno z napojów, jak i z pożywienia.

Wiek i woda

  • Dzieci i niemowlęta: Zapotrzebowanie na wodę u dzieci zależy od wieku i wagi. Niemowlęta do 6 miesięcy powinny otrzymywać około 0,7 litra wody dziennie (głównie z mleka matki lub mieszanki). Dzieci w wieku od 1 do 3 lat potrzebują około 1,3 litra wody dziennie, natomiast dzieci w wieku od 4 do 8 lat około 1,7 litra.
  • Nastolatki: W wieku dojrzewania zapotrzebowanie na wodę wzrasta. Chłopcy w wieku od 9 do 13 lat powinni pić około 2,4 litra wody dziennie, a dziewczęta w tym samym wieku około 2,1 litra. W przypadku nastolatków w wieku od 14 do 18 lat, zalecenia wynoszą 3,3 litra dla chłopców i 2,3 litra dla dziewcząt.
  • Dorośli: Jak już wspomniano, zalecenia wynoszą 3,7 litra dla mężczyzn i 2,7 litra dla kobiet.

Waga a spożycie wody

Im większa masa ciała, tym większe zapotrzebowanie na wodę. Ogólna zasada mówi, że na każdy kilogram masy ciała powinno się spożywać około 30-35 ml wody. Na przykład osoba ważąca 70 kg powinna pić około 2,1 – 2,45 litra wody dziennie.

Płeć a spożycie wody

Mężczyźni zazwyczaj potrzebują więcej wody niż kobiety, co jest związane z większą masą mięśniową i wyższym zapotrzebowaniem na energię. Mięśnie zawierają więcej wody niż tłuszcz, co również wpływa na różnice w zapotrzebowaniu między płciami.

Aktywność fizyczna i zawód

Osoby prowadzące aktywny tryb życia, pracujące fizycznie lub regularnie uprawiające sport potrzebują więcej wody. W trakcie intensywnego wysiłku fizycznego można tracić znaczne ilości wody przez pot, co wymaga jej uzupełnienia. Zaleca się, aby osoby aktywne fizycznie piły dodatkowe 0,5-1 litra wody na każdą godzinę intensywnego wysiłku.

Warunki środowiskowe

Wysokie temperatury i wilgotność zwiększają zapotrzebowanie na wodę, ponieważ organizm intensywniej się poci, aby utrzymać odpowiednią temperaturę ciała. Osoby przebywające w gorącym klimacie lub pracujące w wysokich temperaturach powinny pić więcej wody, aby uniknąć odwodnienia.

Ilość wody, jaką powinniśmy pić codziennie, zależy od wielu czynników, takich jak wiek, waga, płeć, poziom aktywności fizycznej, zawód oraz warunki środowiskowe. Ogólne zalecenia dla dorosłych wynoszą 2,7 litra dla kobiet i 3,7 litra dla mężczyzn, ale warto dostosować te wartości do indywidualnych potrzeb. Pamiętajmy, że picie odpowiedniej ilości wody jest kluczowe dla utrzymania zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Zdroje wody pitnej – idealne rozwiązanie przy ścieżkach rowerowych oraz miejscach sportu i rekreacji

W dzisiejszych czasach coraz więcej osób angażuje się w aktywności fizyczne na świeżym powietrzu, takie jak jazda na rowerze, bieganie czy spacery. Jednym z kluczowych elementów wspierających te działania są zdroje wody pitnej, które stają się nieodzownym elementem infrastruktury przy ścieżkach rowerowych oraz miejscach sportu i rekreacji. Nasze zdroje wody pitnej oferują szereg korzyści, które przekładają się na zdrowie, wygodę i ochronę środowiska.

Korzyści zdrowotne i wygoda

Podczas wysiłku fizycznego, takiego jak jazda na rowerze czy bieganie, odpowiednie nawodnienie jest kluczowe dla utrzymania wydolności i zdrowia. Zdroje wody pitnej umieszczone w strategicznych punktach na ścieżkach rowerowych i w parkach rekreacyjnych pozwalają zaspokoić pragnienie w dowolnym momencie. Nasza oferta obejmuje zdroje zarówno do bezpośredniego spożywania wody, jak i te wyposażone w specjalne nalewki do butelek, co umożliwia łatwe uzupełnianie przenośnych pojemników na wodę.

Ochrona środowiska

Jednym z największych problemów współczesnego świata jest nadmiar plastikowych odpadów. Wprowadzenie zdrojów wody pitnej pomaga w walce z tym problemem poprzez redukcję zużycia jednorazowych butelek plastikowych. Korzystając z naszych zdrojów, użytkownicy mogą łatwo i wygodnie uzupełniać swoje wielokrotnego użytku butelki, co znacząco zmniejsza ilość odpadów i wspiera działania na rzecz ochrony środowiska.

Innowacyjne rozwiązania

Nasza oferta jest niezwykle różnorodna i dostosowana do potrzeb różnych użytkowników. Oprócz standardowych zdrojów wody pitnej, oferujemy również:

  • Stanowiska do mycia rąk: Idealne rozwiązanie przy placach zabaw, które zapewnia dzieciom i ich opiekunom możliwość utrzymania higieny podczas zabawy.
  • Poidełka dla zwierząt: Świetne rozwiązanie dla właścicieli czworonogów, które pozwala zadbać o nawodnienie i komfort naszych pupili podczas spacerów i aktywności na świeżym powietrzu.

Zdroje wody pitnej to nie tylko wygodne i zdrowe rozwiązanie dla osób korzystających z tras rowerowych i obiektów sportowych, ale także ważny krok w kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju i ochrony środowiska. Wprowadzenie naszych innowacyjnych zdrojów przyczyni się do poprawy jakości życia społeczności, promując zdrowe nawyki i dbanie o naszą planetę.

Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z naszą ofertą i dołączenia do inicjatywy na rzecz zdrowia i ochrony środowiska!

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Drinking water dispensers at Polish airports gaining popularity

In recent years, more and more Polish airports have decided to install drinking water stations and dispensers. Such solutions are already in place at the airports of Warsaw, Gdańsk, Radom and Rzeszów and are highly appreciated by travellers.

Benefits for passengers

The main advantage of the availability of free drinking water at airports is that it can save money. Travellers no longer have to spend considerable sums of money on bottled water, the price of which at airports is usually much higher than elsewhere. Thanks to the dispensers, they can easily fill their bottles, which is particularly useful before long flights.

"It's a great solution. I fill up my bottle before every flight and I don't have to worry about running out of water during the journey," says Anna, one of the passengers using Warsaw Chopin Airport.

Increasing popularity in Poland

Airports in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Radom and Rzeszów are just a few of the places that have decided to take care of the comfort of their passengers by installing drinking water dispensers. This is a step towards improving the quality of service and raising standards at Polish airports.

In Gdansk, dispensers are located at several strategic points in the terminal, making them easily accessible to all travellers. Rzeszów, on the other hand, boasts modern stations that not only provide water, but also promote ecology by encouraging the use of reusable bottles.

An example from abroad

Polish airports are following in the footsteps of their foreign counterparts, where drinking water dispensers are standard. For example, in many airports in the United States, Canada, Australia or in European countries such as Germany and France, access to free drinking water is commonplace.

Introducing this on a wider scale would help to make journeys more comfortable and promote eco-friendly habits among passengers. Drinking water dispensers at Polish airports is an initiative that deserves recognition. Access to free drinking water is not only financially beneficial for passengers, but also contributes to environmental protection by reducing the use of plastic bottles. It would be worthwhile for other airports in Poland to follow in the footsteps of Warsaw, Gdańsk, Radom and Rzeszów by introducing similar solutions, which are sure to be positively received by travellers.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Tap water - a safe and tasty option for everyone

More and more people are wondering about the quality of tap water and its suitability for drinking. In Poland, tap water is regularly tested and meets strict quality standards, which means you can drink it without worry. But what if we want to enjoy sparkling water without having to buy bottles from the shop? The answer is our water dispensers, which allow you to get sparkling tap water - deliciously chilled and tasty.

Benefits of drinking tap water

  1. Savings: Tap water is much cheaper than bottled water. We avoid the costs associated with buying water in shops.
  2. Ecology: By using tap water, we reduce plastic waste, which has a positive impact on the environment.
  3. Convenience: Water is always available in our home, without having to carry heavy bottles.

Water dispensers - the new standard in the home and office

Our water dispensers are the ideal solution for those who want to enjoy sparkling water without leaving the house. With these, tap water can be deliciously chilled and fizzy, making it perfect for any occasion.

Improving water quality

Although tap water is safe to drink, some people may have concerns about the quality of their plumbing. In such cases, it is worth taking advantage of the optional filters and antibacterial lights that we offer with our dispensers.

  1. Water filters: They help remove possible contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals or pesticides, improving the taste and smell of the water.
  2. Antimicrobial lamps: Using UV technology, they effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses, providing additional protection.

Drink to health

Tap water in Poland is of good quality and can be drunk without fear. However, for those who want to enjoy sparkling water, our dispensers offer the ideal solution. With them, the water is not only tasty and chilled, but also safe thanks to optional filters and antibacterial lights. By choosing tap water and our dispensers, we save money, care for the environment and make our lives more comfortable.

Take a look at our range and find out how easy and convenient it is to enjoy quality water every day.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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How do you keep children and the elderly properly hydrated in hot weather?

Proper hydration is crucial for the health and wellbeing of everyone, regardless of age. However, in hot weather, the need for adequate water intake becomes particularly important, especially for the most vulnerable groups such as the elderly and young children. Lack of adequate fluids in the body can lead to dehydration, which in turn can have serious health consequences. Public drinking water outlets and springs play a key role in providing access to water, helping to maintain the health and wellbeing of all those who are thirsty.

Why is hydration so important?

  1. Body temperature regulation: Water helps regulate body temperature through sweating. In hot weather, the body loses more fluids, which can lead to overheating if not replenished.
  2. Transport of nutrients: Water is essential for transporting nutrients into cells and removing unnecessary metabolic products.
  3. Physiological functions: Proper hydration affects the functioning of organs, including the kidneys, which are responsible for blood filtration.

Elderly people and young children: high-risk groups

The elderly and young children are more susceptible to dehydration for several reasons:

  • Reduced sense of thirst: Older people often have a reduced sense of thirst, which means that they do not feel the need to drink water, even when their body needs it.
  • Higher water losses: Children have a higher metabolic rate and a larger skin surface area in relation to their body weight, leading to faster water loss.
  • Difficulties with independent drinking: Young children may find it difficult to provide themselves with water, and older people may have limited mobility, making it difficult for them to consume fluids regularly.

Public drinking water wells and springs: the key to hydration

Public water springs Drinking water and springs are an important part of urban infrastructure that supports community hydration, especially in hot weather. Here are some of the ways in which these facilities contribute to public health:

  1. Easy access to water: Public water spigots provide easy access to clean, potable water in public places such as parks, playgrounds, streets or shopping centres. This makes it possible for everyone, regardless of their financial situation, to hydrate when needed.
  2. Promoting healthy habits: The availability of drinking water springs encourages regular consumption of water, which is particularly important in the context of the fight against fizzy and sweetened drinks that can contribute to health problems.
  3. Support for tourists and the local community: In tourist destinations, water springs are invaluable for tourists who may not have access to other water sources. For the local community, they provide a fixed point where they can always go for fresh water.

Adequate hydration is an indispensable part of maintaining health and wellbeing, especially in hot weather. The elderly and young children are groups particularly vulnerable to dehydration, so it is important to ensure their regular fluid intake. Public drinking water wells and springs play a key role in ensuring easy access to water for all, contributing to public health and promoting healthy habits throughout the community.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Tap water vs. bottled water: Why is tap water not worse, but sometimes better?

Tap water is often met with some scepticism. Many people choose bottled water, believing it to be healthier and tastier. However, the reality is that tap water is not at all inferior to bottled water, and in some cases may even be better.

Valuable minerals in tap water

Tap water contains many valuable minerals that are essential for our health. Depending on the region, water can contain different amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and other elements. Calcium and magnesium are particularly important for bone and dental health, as well as for the proper functioning of muscles and nerves.

Safety and regulation

The quality of tap water is strictly controlled by Polish and EU regulations. Waterworks are obliged to supply water with appropriate parameters, which means that tap water must meet strict purity and safety standards. Regular testing and monitoring of water quality ensures that it is safe to drink.

Problems with bottled water

Bottled water, although popular, has its drawbacks. First of all, if stored in the wrong way, it can lose its taste and quality. Plastic bottles, especially if exposed to high temperatures, can release harmful chemicals and plastic microparticles into the water. This can negatively affect the taste and health of consumers.

Convenient and safe water dispensers

More and more people are opting for water dispensers, which offer convenient and safe access to fresh water. Thanks to modern technological solutions, you can enjoy both still and sparkling water straight from the tap. This is an excellent alternative to bottled water, eliminating the problem of plastic and providing constant access to healthy, mineral water.

Tap water is not only safe, but often better in terms of minerals than bottled water. Thanks to strict regulations and modern technology, we can enjoy high quality water without worrying about our health. Water dispensers are a convenient and ecological option that allows us to use water safely and comfortably. It is therefore worth considering drinking tap water as a healthier and more environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Roofs as construction products and the need for a "B" construction mark

Sprinklers, or public drinking water springs, play an important role in providing access to clean and safe water in public places such as parks, playgrounds, schools and town centres. As construction products, they must meet a number of specific standards and regulations in order to be legally installed and used. One of the most important requirements, apart from the PZH approval, is to have a 'B' construction mark.

Why do sprinklers need to have a 'B' construction mark?

User safety: Spas are often used by large numbers of people every day. To ensure that the water is safe to drink, the sprinklers must meet strict sanitary and hygienic standards. The 'B' construction mark confirms that the product has passed the appropriate quality and safety tests, protecting the health of users.

Quality and durabilityAs construction products, sprinklers must be made of materials that are resistant to weather conditions and intensive use. The 'B' mark guarantees that the sprinklers are robust, durable and will last for a long time without the need for frequent repairs or replacement.

Compliance with building regulationsThe installation of water dispensers in public areas is subject to building regulations and health legislation. Obtaining the "B" mark is proof that the sprinklers meet all the required legal standards, which is a prerequisite for their legal installation.

Meaning of the "B" building sign

For users tevitabilitythat the water from such springs is safe to drink and that the springs themselves are made of materials that do not pose a health risk. The 'B' label attests to the high quality of the product, which builds users' confidence in using public springs.

For infrastructure managers Having a 'B' construction mark is essential for the legal installation of sprinklers in public places, thus avoiding legal problems and sanctions. It is also a confirmation of high quality and safe solutions for them. 'B' marked sprinklers are durable and reliable, which minimises the costs associated with maintenance and repairs.

As construction products, water sprinklers must carry the 'B' construction mark for a number of reasons relating to safety, quality and regulatory compliance. The mark certifies that high standards are met, ensuring that users are safe and have confidence in the quality of the water, and that manufacturers and infrastructure managers can legally install and operate the wells. In this way, the wells can effectively serve the community by providing access to clean and safe drinking water.

Our solutions are not only approved by the PZH (German Institute of Hygiene), but also carry the B building mark. That is why you can be sure that you are making the right choice with our solutions.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Drinking water wells as a key tool in the fight against plastic waste

Today's municipalities and cities face the challenge of reducing plastic waste, which pollutes the environment and puts a strain on waste management systems. How municipalities and cities are promoting environmental awareness among their residents? One effective solution to this problem is the installation of drinking water outlets in public spaces. This is a simple but extremely effective tool that brings a number of benefits for both the environment and residents.

Reducing the use of plastic bottles

One of the most obvious effects of installing drinking water dispensers is a reduction in the use of disposable plastic bottles. With easy access to clean, safe drinking water, city dwellers are increasingly using their own reusable bidons. This directly translates into a reduction in the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or, worse, in the environment.

Promoting environmentally friendly habits

Drinking water springs in public spaces are also an important element of environmental education. By using such facilities, residents begin to take a more conscious approach to environmental issues. The use of bidons is becoming not only a practical solution, but also a symbol of ecological responsibility. As the number of people using such sources grows, so does public awareness of the plastic waste problem.

Health and financial benefits

Constant access to fresh drinking water also provides health benefits. Regular consumption of water is crucial for health, and with drinking water springs, residents are encouraged to hydrate their bodies. In addition, the use of municipal springs is free of charge, which is a saving for residents compared to buying bottled water.

Increased community involvement

Drinking water springs can become a focal point for community activities. The organisation of educational campaigns, events to promote healthy lifestyles and joint environmental initiatives gain natural support from infrastructure that fosters pro-environmental attitudes. Residents, when they see concrete environmental action, are more likely to get involved in similar projects.

The installation of drinking water dispensers in municipalities and towns is a step towards more sustainability. Promoting the use of personal water bottles and reducing the use of single-use plastic bottles are measures that have tangible environmental benefits. Thanks to such initiatives, the environmental awareness of the population also increases, which is a key element in the fight against the plastic waste problem. Working together to protect the environment becomes not only an obligation, but also a conscious choice that pays off with a healthier and cleaner environment.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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How drinking water springs and public dispensers support hydration and healthy lifestyles

In an era of increasing environmental awareness and health-consciousness, cities around the world are undertaking various initiatives to promote healthy lifestyles and protect the environment. One key element of these efforts is the installation of drinking water springs and public water dispensers. These types of solutions not only make it easier for residents to access fresh and clean water, but are also an expression of local government's concern for the health of its citizens.

Hydration first

Adequate hydration is the foundation of a healthy life. Water is essential for the body to function properly - it supports digestion, regulates body temperature, transports nutrients and removes toxins. Although most people are aware of the need to drink water regularly, it is not always easy, especially in the rush of daily chores.

Public water springs and dispensers are therefore becoming an invaluable support. Placed in strategic locations such as parks, squares, shopping streets or public transport stations, they allow quick and easy access to water. In this way, regardless of place and time, every resident has the opportunity to hydrate their body, which significantly improves their wellbeing and health.

Promotion of healthy habits

Public water dispensers also have an important educational role. Their presence reminds people of the need to drink water regularly, which is particularly important in the context of promoting a healthy lifestyle. Many cities run information campaigns to encourage the use of these devices and to give up sweetened drinks, which are one of the main factors leading to obesity and other lifestyle diseases.

Ecological benefits

Apart from the health aspect, public water dispensers are also of great ecological importance. In this age of fighting plastic and reducing waste, using water from public springs is an alternative to bottled water. This simple solution helps to significantly reduce plastic waste, contributing to the protection of the environment.

Investing in the future

The investment in public water dispensers is also an expression of the municipality's responsibility and concern for the future of its citizens. The introduction of such solutions shows that the city cares about the wellbeing of its citizens while promoting sustainable development. Examples of cities that have successfully implemented such systems show that it is an investment that brings benefits in both the short and long term.

In Warsaw, for example, public water dispensers are located in numerous public places and their number is steadily increasing. The city not only ensures regular water quality checks, but also runs educational campaigns to encourage residents to use these facilities. As a result, residents have easy access to healthy water, which has a positive impact on their daily habits and overall health.

Water at your fingertips

Public drinking water spigots and water dispensers are solutions that significantly improve the quality of life of residents. They enable easy access to water, promote healthy eating habits and contribute to environmental protection. The implementation of such initiatives by cities is proof that concern for the health and well-being of citizens and care for the environment can go hand in hand, creating a sustainable and healthy future for all.

Spa brands

In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.

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Ensuring access to drinking water in public spaces based on the provisions of EU Directive 2020/2184

Drinking water, a fundamental resource essential to life, is increasingly becoming a central topic in discussions about public health and citizens' quality of life. In response to these issues, the European Union has adopted Directive 2020/2184, which requires member states to provide access to drinking water in public spaces. Within this directive, waterholes are cited as one of the solutions to meet this obligation.

Directive 2020/2184 is an expression of the European Union's commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles and protecting the environment. It is an important step towards guaranteeing citizens' rights to clean and accessible drinking water, wherever they are. The implementation of this directive requires cooperation between different public administrations, local authorities, as well as companies in the water sector.

One of the main solutions given in the directive are drinking water outlets. These can be public fountains, springs, drinking taps in public places, as well as bottle filling stations. Their presence in public spaces aims to provide citizens with easy access to drinking water without having to buy plastic bottles, which in turn contributes to reducing waste and promoting sustainable lifestyles.

Improving lives and reducing plastic waste

The implementation of Directive 2020/2184 not only improves the quality of life of citizens, but also contributes to the protection of the environment. Reducing the use of plastic bottles reduces the amount of waste created by water consumption, which in turn contributes to reducing plastic pollution of our planet.

However, to ensure effective implementation of the Directive, it is necessary to take into account the diverse needs of local communities and to provide adequate financial support to institutions responsible for the provision of drinking water in public spaces. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the water supplied and to maintain appropriate sanitary standards in the places where it is made available.

Challenge and proven solutions

The proposal of European Union Directive 2020/2184 on access to drinking water in public spaces demonstrates a commitment to promoting public health, protecting the environment and ensuring equity of access to essential resources. At the same time, it challenges Member States to work together to achieve these goals, bearing in mind the diversity and individual needs of their communities.

Our solutions are a proven way of meeting EU requirements and adapting spaces to the needs of society. The wide range of choices means that they can be perfectly integrated into the surroundings, are resistant to damage and, above all, ensure the distribution of water in a hygienic and convenient manner.