In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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Ferie zimowe to czas odpoczynku dla uczniów, ale dla dyrektorów szkół i zarządców placówek oświatowych to doskonała okazja, aby wprowadzić modernizacje, które wpłyną na komfort i bezpieczeństwo dzieci. Jednym z takich rozwiązań jest montaż dystrybutorów wody pitnej – inwestycja, która przynosi korzyści zdrowotne, ekologiczne i ekonomiczne.
Każda szkoła powinna zapewnić uczniom dostęp do wody pitnej podczas ich pobytu w placówce. To nie tylko obowiązek wynikający z przepisów, ale także element budowania zdrowych nawyków i troski o dobre samopoczucie dzieci.
Dzięki dystrybutorom wody:
Jeśli zastanawiacie się nad wprowadzeniem dystrybutorów wody w swojej szkole, możemy pomóc. Oferujemy urządzenia, które są:
Bezpieczne i certyfikowane – Wszystkie nasze dystrybutory posiadają certyfikat PZH oraz znak bezpieczeństwa, co gwarantuje najwyższą jakość i zgodność z normami.
Ekologiczne i ekonomiczne – Dystrybutory ograniczają zużycie plastiku, wspierając ochronę środowiska, a jednocześnie są oszczędne w eksploatacji.
Nowoczesne i funkcjonalne -Oferujemy różnorodne modele:
Nasze dystrybutory są dostępne w wersjach bezdotykowych, co dodatkowo podnosi poziom higieny. Zostały wykonane z antybakteryjnych materiałów, łatwych do utrzymania w czystości. Urządzenia mogą być dostępne w różnych kolorach i oznakowane logo, hasłem lub grafiką związana ze szkołą, co dodaje im wyjątkowego charakteru. Nasz doświadczony zespół świadczy kompleksowe usługi montażowe i serwisowe, zapewniając długotrwałą i bezproblemową eksploatację urządzeń.
Dystrybutory wody są często montowane przez miejskie spółki wodociągowe, co dodatkowo obniża koszty instalacji. Jeśli szukacie porady lub rozważacie wdrożenie takiego rozwiązania w swojej szkole, skontaktujcie się z nami. Posiadamy największe doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie i chętnie doradzimy, jaki model będzie najlepiej odpowiadał potrzebom Waszej placówki.
Ferie to idealny moment, aby zainwestować w nowoczesne i ekologiczne rozwiązania, takie jak dystrybutory wody pitnej. To nie tylko obowiązek szkoły, ale także wyraz troski o zdrowie i komfort uczniów. Dzięki naszym certyfikowanym urządzeniom możecie mieć pewność, że wybieracie sprawdzone rozwiązania, które pozytywnie wpłyną na funkcjonowanie placówki.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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Od 2025 roku w Polsce zacznie obowiązywać system kaucyjny, który ma na celu zwiększenie poziomu recyklingu opakowań plastikowych, szklanych oraz metalowych. Choć idea ta wydaje się krokiem w stronę ochrony środowiska, w praktyce może wiązać się z wieloma wyzwaniami. Alternatywnym rozwiązaniem, które zyskuje na popularności, jest instalowanie sieciowych dystrybutorów wody pitnej i korzystanie z bidonów wielokrotnego użytku. To rozwiązanie nie tylko eliminuje konieczność kupowania wody butelkowanej, ale również przynosi szereg korzyści dla środowiska i gospodarstw domowych.
System kaucyjny zakłada wprowadzenie kaucji, która będzie doliczana do ceny napojów sprzedawanych w opakowaniach takich jak plastikowe butelki, szklane butelki wielokrotnego użytku oraz puszki. Konsument, po opróżnieniu opakowania, będzie mógł je zwrócić do specjalnych punktów zbiórki, odzyskując wpłaconą kaucję.
Celem jest zwiększenie ilości opakowań poddawanych recyklingowi i zmniejszenie ilości odpadów trafiających na wysypiska. Jednak system ten niesie ze sobą wyzwania, takie jak:
Sieciowe dystrybutory wody pitnej oferują rozwiązanie, które eliminuje konieczność korzystania z wody butelkowanej. Urządzenia te dostarczają wodę filtrowaną, chłodzoną, a nawet gazowaną – w zależności od potrzeb użytkowników. Połączenie dystrybutorów z użyciem bidonów wielokrotnego użytku pozwala całkowicie zrezygnować z plastiku jednorazowego użytku w codziennym życiu.
Choć system kaucyjny może być skutecznym rozwiązaniem na rzecz ochrony środowiska, dystrybutory wody pitnej stanowią bardziej przyszłościową alternatywę. Są one odpowiedzią na potrzeby zarówno gospodarstw domowych, jak i miejsc pracy, szkół czy instytucji publicznych. W połączeniu z edukacją na temat korzystania z bidonów wielokrotnego użytku, dystrybutory mogą znacząco przyczynić się do redukcji odpadów i kosztów związanych z recyklingiem.
Zamiast polegać na systemie, który wymaga skomplikowanej logistyki i dodatkowego zaangażowania konsumentów, warto postawić na rozwiązanie, które łączy oszczędność, ekologię i wygodę w jednym. Dystrybutory wody pitnej to krok w kierunku zrównoważonej przyszłości.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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Początek Nowego Roku to czas, kiedy wielu z nas podejmuje postanowienia, które mają pomóc nam wprowadzić pozytywne zmiany w naszym życiu. Jednym z najczęściej podejmowanych zobowiązań jest zadbanie o zdrowie – zarówno fizyczne, jak i psychiczne. Chociaż każda chwila jest dobra, by rozpocząć nowy etap, Nowy Rok daje szczególną motywację, by wprowadzić zdrowe nawyki. My nie narzucamy gotowych rozwiązań, ale oferujemy wsparcie, które ułatwi Ci realizację tych celów.
Jednym z kluczowych elementów zdrowego stylu życia jest odpowiednie nawodnienie organizmu. Tutaj z pomocą przychodzą nasze dystrybutory wody pitnej, które pozwalają na stały dostęp do świeżej i smacznej wody, zarówno w domu, jak i w miejscu pracy.
Woda to podstawowy element zdrowego funkcjonowania naszego organizmu. Regularne picie odpowiedniej ilości wody przynosi szereg korzyści:
Nasze dystrybutory wody to rozwiązanie dla tych, którzy cenią sobie komfort i jakość.
Dzięki naszym dystrybutorom woda przestaje być tylko obowiązkiem, a staje się przyjemnym elementem dnia. Sięganie po świeżą wodę nigdy nie było prostsze.
Jeśli wśród Twoich noworocznych postanowień znajduje się troska o zdrowie, nawodnienie powinno zająć ważne miejsce na Twojej liście. Nasze dystrybutory wody pitnej to doskonałe wsparcie w osiąganiu Twoich celów. Każda chwila jest dobra na zmiany, ale początek Nowego Roku to doskonały moment, by zadbać o siebie. Zacznij od małych kroków, a ich efekty zaskoczą Cię szybciej, niż się spodziewasz.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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Mains water dispensers are becoming an increasingly popular choice for domestic use. They are a convenient, environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution that provides constant access to fresh water - chilled, carbonated or at room temperature.
Using a mains water dispenser means real savings. We no longer have to buy heavy bags of water or worry about transporting them. What's more, the device eliminates the need to store bottles, saving space in the home and reducing the generation of plastic waste.
Thanks to the dispenser, we have cheap and convenient access to chilled and sparkling water - ideal during hot days. It's the perfect way to keep the whole family hydrated and healthy, without having to buy drinks in disposable bottles.
The variety of models available means that dispensers can be adapted to any interior. Their compact size saves space and the under-counter versions mean that the only visible element is the elegant dispensing tap. A discreet and modern solution for demanding users.
A mains water dispenser is an investment that quickly pays for itself, enhancing your living comfort and contributing to environmental protection. If you dream of having constant access to fresh, tasty water, consider this solution - your home and the planet will benefit! 🌍💧
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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In order to ensure the comfort and wellbeing of their customers and clients, more and more offices and clinics are choosing to install public water dispensers in their service areas. These simple devices offer visitors the opportunity to quench their thirst free of charge, which is particularly valuable when waiting for their turn or dealing with important matters.
Access to fresh water has become not only a standard in offices and workplaces, but also a symbol of hospitality and concern for the wellbeing of visitors to public institutions. Clinics and offices that install dispensers prioritise convenience and meet the needs of their customers. After all, quenching one's thirst is one of the basic needs and, thanks to such solutions, everyone can fill up their water bottle, avoiding the need to buy drinks in nearby shops.
The dispensers we offer are modern, aesthetically pleasing and energy-efficient devices that are ideal for public places. With a variety of models and functions - from cool to hot water - we can ensure that fresh drinking water is available to every visitor to offices or clinics.
Installing dispensers in offices and medical facilities is a step towards modern customer service standards. Taking care of the basic needs of visitors not only improves their service, but also increases satisfaction with the level of service provided. Our water dispensers are the perfect solution to meet the needs of both petitioners and the institutions themselves.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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With winter approaching, it's time to think about protecting your outdoor water systems, such as your fire sprinklers, from low temperatures. If you have outdoor sprinklers that are not made frost-proof, preparing them properly for winter is crucial. Neglecting this process can lead to serious damage that may require costly repairs.
Water that is left in the system can freeze during freezing weather, expand and cause cracks in the pipes or in the sprinkler itself. Even the smallest amounts of water can contribute to damage, which is why it is so important to ensure proper maintenance.
If you are unsure how to protect your water supply yourself for the winter, we encourage you to use our service. Our team of specialists is experienced in properly preparing water systems for the winter period.
Why use the assistance?
Remember, properly preparing your outdoor drains for winter is an investment in their longevity and saves on future repairs. Contact us today and have us comprehensively prepare your installation for the upcoming winter season!
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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In recent years, the topic of access to clean drinking water has gained prominence across Europe, and the European Union has taken concrete steps to ensure high quality drinking water for its citizens. Poland, like other member states, is obliged to implement the solutions contained in Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 concerning the quality of water intended for human consumption. This Directive introduces new standards and obligations that must be introduced into national legislation.
Although the implementation deadline passed on 12 January 2023, Poland has not yet implemented all the changes, resulting in the preparation of an amendment to the Act on collective water supply and collective sewage disposal. According to its provisions, local authorities - mayors and city presidents - will be obliged to increase residents' access to drinking water by providing public water points.
Directive 2020/2184 is part of a broader European Union policy to improve public health and protect the environment. Here are the main features of this document:
In the context of the amendment of the Polish law on collective water supply, local authorities will have to face new challenges. One of the main obligations under the bill will be to provide residents with better access to drinking water by creating public water points. Solutions such as public water springs or stations with clean drinking water will become a necessity in public spaces such as parks, squares or city centres.
It should be noted that solutions of this type not only comply with the requirements of the EU directive, but are also an effective way of promoting drinking tap water as an alternative to bottled water, which has a positive impact on both the environment and residents' wallets.
In response to new regulations and the needs of local authorities, we offer modern and efficient solutions to help meet the requirements arising from the EU directive. Our water spigots and drinking water stations not only facilitate residents' access to clean water, but are also recommended in legal standards as innovative solutions to support municipal infrastructure. They make it easy for local authorities to meet their new obligations while promoting an environmentally friendly approach to water use.
The amendment of the Act on collective water supply is a key step towards improving access to drinking water in Poland. The introduction of public water points will help to meet the requirements of the EU Directive 2020/2184 and will also have a positive impact on the health of residents and environmental protection. Using innovative solutions available on the market, such as wells and water stations, local governments can easily meet the new challenges and provide high-quality drinking water for all.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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The modern working environment is where we spend a significant part of our day. It generally consists of intensive desk work, meetings or tasks that require constant concentration. In such conditions, regular drinking of coffee and tea has become an almost inseparable part of the working day. However, it is worth remembering that, in addition to these popular drinks, there is one key element that has a huge impact on our health, concentration and productivity - the water.
Water is essential for the proper functioning of our bodies. Hydration not only affects our wellbeing, but also our mental and physical abilities. Here are some of the benefits of drinking water regularly at work:
Understanding the importance of water in the workplace is the first step to ensuring that employees are adequately hydrated. It is worthwhile for employers to ensure that water is always available. To this end, the ideal solutions are water dispenserswhich bring a number of benefits:
Drinking water regularly at work is key to improving employee health, concentration and productivity. Investing in water dispensers is a step towards going green, saving money and keeping your team comfortable. Thanks to such devices, employees have constant access to clean, fresh water, which not only supports their health but also increases productivity. It is worthwhile for employers who want to create a friendly and functional working environment to consider such a solution.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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After the summer holidays or an extended break, when schools fill up with students again, one essential element that is often forgotten is water springs and dispensers. Although they are used without much thought on a daily basis, the quality of the water that comes out of them is crucial for the health of pupils and school staff. To ensure that it is of an adequate standard, it is necessary to sanitise, clean and regulate these devices after a prolonged break.
During the summer holidays, when schools remain closed and water systems are unused, contaminants can build up in pipes and reservoirs. The lack of regular water flow encourages the growth of bacteria, including dangerous microorganisms like Legionellawhich can endanger the health of users. In addition, improperly maintained equipment can affect the quality of the water, altering its taste, odour and clarity.
Sanitisation of water dispensers and springs is crucial to ensure that the water supplied meets all sanitary and quality standards. It includes thorough cleaning of all equipment components, disinfection of surfaces in contact with the water and removal of sediment and biofilm that could promote bacterial growth.
An important step is also checking the filters. Filters that have been inactive for a long time can lose their properties and become a source of contamination. Replacing or cleaning filters is therefore essential to ensure clean and healthy drinking water.
It is often forgotten that after a prolonged break, equipment such as water springs or water dispensers may need adjusting. Regular servicing not only maintains the quality of the water, but also extends the life of the equipment. This includes, among other things, checking water pressure, seals and checking that all mechanisms are working properly.
Healthy and safe water is a fundamental right for every pupil and school staff member. Regular cleaning and sanitising of dispensers avoids health risks, improves user comfort and ensures that children drink water of the highest quality. It is therefore worth enlisting the help of professionals such as our service technicians and having your water dispensers professionally cleaned and sanitised once a year.
In this section you will find a range of practical information related to our solutions. In the articles, we share our experience, discuss implementation steps and highlight good practices. It is a reliable source of information and advice on the provision of drinking water in public spaces, the legal regulations in this area, the benefits of installing drinking water dispensers and the technological aspects in this field.
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The summer holidays are a time eagerly awaited by pupils and teachers alike. It is also the perfect opportunity to carry out renovation and modernisation works in schools without disrupting daily educational activities. One such activity worth considering is the installation of drinking water springs and dispensers. Why is it worth doing this right now?
Carrying out renovations and installing new equipment during the school year can be problematic. The presence of children, teachers and school staff often complicates the execution of renovation work. During the holidays, schools are empty, allowing any necessary work to be carried out without disruption or stress. The installation of drinking water springs and dispensers goes much more smoothly and the risk of delays and complications is minimised.
Our solutions for drinking water springs and dispensers are designed to make installation as simple as possible. They do not require major structural changes or complicated construction work. As a result, installation is quick and trouble-free. The use of modern technology and well thought-out designs means that our units can be easily adapted to the different infrastructural conditions in schools.
When you opt for our drinking water springs and dispensers, you do not have to worry about the technical aspects. Our service department is always ready to help. We provide support at every stage - from planning and installation to regular maintenance and possible repairs. Our specialists are available to answer any questions and dispel any doubts, making the whole process even easier.
Ensuring access to fresh, clean drinking water in schools is of paramount importance for the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff. Drinking water regularly improves concentration, supports learning processes and prevents dehydration, which can lead to fatigue and health problems. Drinking water dispensers and springs are becoming an indispensable part of modern, health-conscious educational establishments.
The holidays are the perfect time to invest in school infrastructure. Installing drinking water springs and dispensers during the holiday season is not only convenient, but also a strategic move that will pay dividends for years to come. Thanks to the simplicity of installation and the support of our service department, the process is quick and hassle-free. By investing in our solutions, you are ensuring the health and comfort of students and school staff.
Feel free to contact us and take advantage of our offer - together we can make your school an even better place! 🌟