
Bluglass Hot 30 Fizz Black chilled, sparkling and hot water dispenser

The elegant and compact drinking water dispenser, perfectly suited for home and office use, offers top quality and excellent performance.
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Bluglass Plus 80 Fizz Vol Black chilled and sparkling water dispenser

The elegant and compact drinking water dispenser, perfectly suited for home and office use, offers top quality and excellent performance.
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Bluglass 30 Fizz Black chilled and sparkling drinking water dispenser

The elegant and compact drinking water dispenser, perfectly suited for home and office use, offers top quality and excellent performance.
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Drinking water dispenser with wall panel 8902

Pedestal tap water source made of stainless steel, with wall panel. Designed for indoor use.
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Drinking water source with wall panel 8901

Drinking water source for indoor applications such as offices, schools, offices, etc.
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Column filler "Joystick" 3-position

Column with filling tap and "Joystick" type water type switch. Allows convenient filling of bottles, carafes and cups with chilled sparkling, still or room temperature drinking water.
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Metal bottle, thermal 750 ml

750 ml thermal bottle ideal for hot and cold drinks.
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Purity C1000 AC filter

The first activated carbon filter with PURITY technology.
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Purity C150 filter

PURITY C150 is a filter cartridge specifically designed for use in catering establishments, catering companies and vending machines.
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Purity C300 filter

PURITY C300 is a filter cartridge specifically designed for use in catering establishments, catering companies and vending machines.
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Purity C500 filter

PURITY C500 is a filter cartridge specifically designed for use in catering establishments, catering companies and vending machines.
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Purity filter C1100

PURITY C1100 is a filter cartridge specifically designed for use in catering establishments, catering companies and vending machines.
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Retap eco-friendly water carafe 1.2 l

The RETAP carafe is the latest in Danish design. Appreciated by restaurants, hotels and offices.
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Retap water bottle 0.3 L (Retap logo)

It is our alternative to buying water in plastic bottles.
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Water for offices

Dystrybutory wody dla biura – Zapewniamy komfort i świeżość!

Water dispensers for the office are an innovative way to maintain healthy hydration in the workplace. These unique devices easily adapt to the needs of your team, delivering fresh, clean water on demand. In an age where health and wellbeing are at the forefront of priorities, water dispensers for the office are an essential part of any modern workplace.

Convenient, practical and efficient

Our water dispensers for businesses are designed with comfort and efficiency in mind. Thanks to their ease of use, your employees can enjoy fresh, filtered water at any time. Hydration is a key element in maintaining a high level of concentration, which translates into greater productivity.

Always fresh water for the office is not only practical, but also a healthy solution. Our water is always fresh, pure and full of minerals, so your team always has access to top quality water.

The ideal solution for every office

Whatever the size of your office, we have a water dispenser that fits it perfectly. Our office water dispensers come in a variety of sizes and configurations, so you're sure to find a model that meets your requirements. We also offer a variety of options that allow you to regulate the temperature of the water, giving you even more convenience.

Dzięki naszym dystrybutorom, woda w biurze jest zawsze łatwo dostępna. Dostarczają one świeżą, czystą wodę bezpośrednio do miejsca pracy. Dzięki temu, pracownicy mogą skupić się na tym, co najważniejsze – swojej pracy.

Inadequate hydration can lead to fatigue, decreased concentration and other health problems. Our water for the office, is guaranteed to provide employees with the highest quality water to help keep them fit.

Woda dla firm – Zadbaj o dobrostan swojego zespołu

Woda dla firm to więcej niż tylko zaspokojenie pragnienia – to inwestycja w dobrostan Twojego zespołu. Dobre nawodnienie to podstawa zdrowia i dobrej kondycji, a więc i efektywności w pracy. Nasze dystrybutory to inwestycja, która przyniesie korzyści na wiele sposobów, w tym poprzez zwiększenie produktywności i poprawę samopoczucia Twojego zespołu. Zadbaj o swoich pracowników – zainwestuj w dystrybutor wody dla firmy!