Plant a tree with
A spa!

For years, we have been focusing on pro-health and pro-environmental solutions. We educate, raise awareness in society and encourage people to make changes in their environment. Our activities contribute, among other things, to reducing the amount of plastic entering the environment every day and to improving the physical condition of children and adults.

Find out more

It's a big deal for the planet

Now every one of our recipients has the chance to participate in our next eco-project. Together with us, you will be planting trees in Poland and your commitment will be recognised with a special certificate!


How does it work?

Step 1

Pleasant with useful

When you buy any sprinkler, spring or water dispenser from us, you join a tree-planting campaign that contributes to the regeneration of our country's forests! One device = one tree.

See our offer
Step 2

Without going out home

It's easier than you think! The whole project will be handled by a professional team who will choose the best place and time for planting, take care of the paperwork, make sure the plant takes hold, choose a type of seedling that will not disturb the ecosystem - and you can be proud that you have done a good deed by which you support our nature.

See how they do it
Step 3

Show off your tree

We we will award you with a special certificatewhich you can proudly hang in your company, boast about on your website or in Social Media!
You will be able to follow the effects of our joint activities in our photo reports.

See sample certificate

See how it is held